Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Serial
Number 2015 - The Colt Model 1900 is the first Browning
designed automatic pistol model licensed to and manufactured
by Colt Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company. With the
exception of the 200 Second Army contract pistols (that were
manufactured with forward slide serrations), front slide
serrations on commercial examples began at approximately
serial number 2000. This pistol was manufactured in 1901,
the second year of production and is the second variation
of the Model 1900 with front plunge milled serrations, high
polish blue, fire blued small parts and smooth walnut grips.
Pistol was one of two guns shipped March 2,
1901 to Colt Patent Fire-Arms Mfg. Company, San Francisco
Agency, San Francisco, California.

According to a published list of observed
serial numbers, 2003 is the earliest recorded commercial gun
with forward serrations, but serial number 2015 is the
earliest commercial forward slide serration gun with
original sight safety intact.
Colt Model 1900 left side slide markings are
"BROWNING'S PATENT" over "PAT'D APRIL 29, 1897" and COLT'S
Serial number 2015 is on the left side of the frame above
the trigger.

Colt Model 1900 Right Side - "AUTOMATIC COLT" over
"CALIBRE 38 RIMLESS SMOKELESS". Slide features forward
plunge milled serrations. |