Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic - This pistol is
an early sight safety with rear plunge milled serrations.
These early Colt Model 1900 pistols are typically
encountered with smooth walnut stocks and the use of these
smooth walnut stocks transitioned into variations with
forward slide serrations. Because the serial number is
completely illegible, it can only be assumed that this gun
was from a transitional period or had the stocks replaced
with the later hard rubber type prior to making the
transition into its present relic state.

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic - Right side view

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic -
Front grip strap and underside of frame showing extensive

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic -
Top of slide showing heaving pitting, missing front sight
and barrel locking grooves coming through the top of the

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic -
Close-up of hammer and sight safety with sight safety

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic -
Photo of muzzle and convex recoil spring plug.

Colt Model 1900 Sight Safety Relic -
Original magazine showing remnants of "PAT'D SEPT. 9. 1884"
patent date on the base.