Component Parts Automatic Colt
Pistol Calibre .38 Rimless Smokeless - Original Colt blueprint
showing the component parts for the Model 1900 Sight Safety.

Automatic Colt Pistol Calibre .38 Rimless
Smokeless, May 10, 1899, M.L.B - Original schematic blue print of the
Model 1900 (with Sight Safety). This drawing was created by Colt to
be used as an illustration in the factory instruction sheet for the Model

Component Parts Automatic Colt Pistol
Calibre .38 Rimless Smokeless - Original parts schematic blue print of
the Model 1900 (with Sight Safety). This drawing was created by Colt
also to be used as an illustration in the factory instruction sheet for
the Model 1900.

Alteration of Automatic Pistol .38 Cal.
Colts Armory, May 11, 1899. M.L.B. - Original illustration of barrel
and frame. |