Super .38 serial number 35475 (ca. 1944) - WWII
period Super .38 shipped to the Office of the Chief of
Ordnance, Technical Division, Washington, D.C., February 5,
1944. Processed on Colt Factory Order number 4045 in a
shipment of two pistols.

Springfield Research Service indicates that this pistol
was shipped from Letterkenny to the US Army Air Force:
35475 - SUPER - 020844 - LETTERKENNY-->ARMY AIR
Pistol has matching serial number under firing pin stop
plate, Swartz safety. ‘C’ on top of frame. Barrel is marked
“Colt Super 38 Auto” on lower left of chamber. Full blue
magazine with “Colt Super 38 Auto” on the bottom. Pre-war
hammer and M1911 slide stop. Rear sight, grips screws,
plunger, grip safety, magazine catch are parkerized. Carved
ivory “dragon chasing pearl” motif stocks (occupied Japan). |