Super .38 serial number 36797 - There was a U.S.
Government contract for two shipments of Super .38 pistols
totaling 400 pistols.
This pistol was one of 24 shipped June 19, 1945 in the first
shipment to Resident Inspector of Ordnance, Remington
Arms Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut. It was processed
on Colt Factory Order Number 5295. The pistol is "furnished
with a new safety device," known to collectors as the Swartz
Safety. On December 5, 1945, 20 of the 24 pistols were
shipped to the Pentagon Building. The balance of the guns
(376) in the second shipment were sent on July 20, 1945 to
the OSS, Fowler Building in Rosalyn, VA.

Pre-war Colt Super .38 serial number 36797 - the
only military markings on these guns are the G.H.D. mark on
the left side of the frame near the trigger and the ordnance
wheel on the right side of the frame

Super .38 serial number 36797 - left

Super .38 serial number 36797 -
G.H.D. inspector's mark for Brigadier General Guy H.
Drewry, Army Inspector of Ordnance from June 17, 1942 to
July 15, 1945 at the Springfield Ordnance District. The
slide of this gun is numbered to the frame. Slide stop is
five groove type which was standard on the military contract
Super .38 pistols.

Super .38 serial number 36797 - shows blue finish
on top of slide

Super .38 serial number 36797 - shows blue finish
on underside of frame.

Super .38 serial number 36797 - view of hammer and
rear sight.

Super .38 serial number 36797 - view of front

Super .38 serial number 36797 - base of magazine
marked "COLT" with "SUPER" over "38 AUTO." Notice how base
of the mainspring housing on this model does not have the
lanyard loop.

Super .38 serial number 36797 - Grooved mainspring
housing was standard on the government contract Super .38
pistols. |