Factory Engraved Colt Super .38
serial number 6744 - factory engraved, factory nickel finish, pearl
grips and
sold to Schumacher and Meussig [sic], Address unavailable, shipped to Stauffer
Eshleman and Company, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 31, 1930, processed
on Colt Factory Order #17884/1 in a one gun shipment. This was
the second year of production for the Super .38.
SCHUMACHER & MUESSIG INC of Galveston, Texas - The firm was
registered in 1923 as a domestic for profit corporation for
merchandising on January 15, 1923 with capital stock of $7,500.
Incorporators: Carl Schumacher, Carl Muessig and John Egert.

Factory Engraved Colt Super .38 - left side
