Jim Horton CollectionColt Model 1911A1 Transition Model - Serial number 702052 was shipped
February 13, 1924 as part of a 1000 gun shipment to the Commanding Officer at
Springfield Armory. The barrel has been replaced with a later type (stamped 45
AUTO 7791193) and the Colt Assembler's mark is 60. The slide stop has four
horizontal ridges on it instead of being knurled. The grips are earlier than the
gun - left grip appears to be from a 1911 Springfield and the right grip from a
1911 Remington UMC. This pistol was formerly owned by a Marine.

The owner suspects that this pistol was used
for match competition because the frame has a couple of tiny
depressions into which tiny ball bearings have been
inserted. As a result, the pistol does not "shake" and it is
very accurate.

WTG inspection mark, fully checkered
walnut grips. 10,000 pistols were made in 1924. |