Keith Lockhart CollectionColt Model 1911A1 S/N 716873 1939
Navy Contract - This is one of 3636 pistols produced in
this contract. It was in a shipment of 1,088 pistols
shipped on December 18, 1939 to the Officer in Charge, Naval
Supply Depot, Sewalls Point, VA. Slide has a matching
serial number,

Right side of pistol showing the shortened wide spur
hammer. The hammer modification began with this contract

Pistol is "P" proofed on top of the slide in front of
the rear sight and above the magazine catch. Also note the
"H" inspector's initial of Frederick W. Hauff
on the left side to the right of the magazine catch. This
was applied upon final ordnance inspection.

Colt "VP"
Verified Proof mark on upper left flat of the trigger guard.

Close-up of serial number and United States
Property mark.

P proof on top of the slide forward of the
rear sight.

Close-up of grip safety and mainspring housing. |