Colt Government Model .45 ACP - Serial number C200617 with Swartz
Safety, Manufactured ca. 1940

Colt Government Model Serial Number C200617 -
Manufactured ca 1940. Gun is in excellent condition with
Swartz Safety (NSD - New Safety Device), original factory
blue finish, checkered walnut grips and is in original box
numbered to the gun. Gun is fitted with a trigger shoe
which was not an original factory feature. Magazine is full
blue marked "COLT" over "CAL. 45".This pistol was one of
three sent to the H & D Folsom Arms Company, New York, New
York on October 15, 1940.

Colt Government Model C200617 - close-up of serial number
and Government Model mark, right side of frame.

Close-up of slide roll mark. This marking was applied with
a single roll die.

Colt Government Model C200617 - Left side view.

Close-up of left side slide markings
(above) and Colt factory roll die used to originally
apply the marks (below)

Colt Government Model C200617 - pictured in original

Colt Government Model Box - end labels.

Colt Government Model Box - matching
serial number applied at the factory as the finished
guns entered the shipping room.

Colt Government Model Box - top view. |