Colt National Match Serial Number C185857 without Swartz Safety and
sights, blued finish and checkered walnut grips. Slide is numbered to
the frame. Pistol has original National Match barrel marked "COLT 45 AUTO MATCH" with "MB"
in a circle on the left barrel lug.
This Colt was sold to the City of Rome, Georgia and shipped as a one gun shipment to
W.S. Darley, Chicago, Illinois on June 10, 1937. In 1937, Rome also
acquired a new fire truck for the city from the Darley Company. Since
1908, Darley has been dedicated to serving the world’s Fire and Emergency
Services. Darley’s corporate headquarters is located in Melrose Park,

Rome Georgia's restored 1937 W.S.
Darley Fire Truck |

Colt National Match Serial Number C185857 left side.

Fixed rear sight.

Front sight that was a standard option with the fixed rear sight.

Original magazine marked "COLT" over "45 AUTO." Notice that a standard
feature of the National Match is that the mainspring housing is not fitted
with a lanyard loop.