Peter Gross Collection
Colt Service Model Ace Serial Number
SM1142 - This SM Ace serial number SM1142 has matching
slide. The gun has been reblued. It was inspected by
Charles S. Reed (CSR). SM1142 was shipped on January 28,
1941 to the Norfolk, VA Naval Base.

The initials of Major Charles S. Reed, Officer in
Charge of Outside Inspection, were stamped on all M1911A1
pistols and some Service Model Ace pistols manufactured in
1940-41, signifying government acceptance of the pistol.
His initials were stamped on the left side of the receiver
below the slide stop in accordance with Ordnance drawings.
They were also stamped on the top of the receiver near the
disconnector hole to indicate provisional inspection,
replacing the previous letter "R" within an oval.

Left side of Service Model Ace SM 1142.

Serial number under firing pin plate matches number on
frame. |