Colt Model of 1911 U.S. Army .45 ACP - Serial Number 12218 (ca. 1912)

Colt Model 1911 serial number 12218 - This 1911 was
part of a shipment of 500 guns shipped to the Commanding
Officer, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois on
November 7, 1912.

"H" marking on the rear of the slide above the hammer is the
provisional inspector's mark of Frank Hosmer. The die used
to create this mark was used to mark the slide, frame and
barrel. This "H" is a serifed version. The slide is from
the serial number range 5800 - 6500.

"H" marking above the disconnector hole is the provisional
inspector's mark of Frank Hosmer. This "H" is a non-serifed

Colt logo in a circle on the left side of the slide
behind serrations until January 1913, until approximately
serial number 20000.

The mark of Army Inspector of Ordnance Major Walter G.
Penfield. Penfield inspected these pistols from January
2, 1911 - September 30, 1914. Serial numbers of Model 1911
pistols inspected 1 - 101500. (notice the slight ghost stamp
to the right of the stamp)
