Springfield Model 1911 serial number 126398 -
Ordnance procurement records for Springfield Armory Production indicate that
this was one of 1,564 pistols manufactured from July 1, 1916 - December 31,
1916. Colt granted the Ordnance Department the right to
manufacture the Model 1911 at government arsenals on April 21, 1911.
This right became effective after orders for the Model 1911 totaling more
than 50,000 were placed. This led to the establishment of a pistol
plant at Springfield Armory.
 This Springfield 1911 has the third type long hammer
with rounded rear edge. The ordnance "flaming bomb" replaced the
Rampant Colt on the left rear of the slide, behind the slide serrations.
 The ordnance "flaming bomb" was also located on the
frame where the inspectors mark typically appears on Colt manufactured 1911
pistols. Unlike commercially contracted weapons, government
manufactured arms did not require an ordnance acceptance mark.
 Right side of slide bore the standard slide
inscription of the Colt Model 1911 -- "MODEL OF 1911 U.S. ARMY." Checkered
walnut grips with uncheckered diamond areas around the grip screws were
standard. The number of rows of checkering between the points of the
uncheckered diamonds number 11 +/- 1.

 The eagle, which was formerly the symbol of
Springfield Armory, was placed on the right side of the slide.
