Jim R. Collection Colt Model 1911 .45 cal. S/N 135428 -
manufactured in 1916, it was shipped in a batch of 1000 to the Commanding
Officer at Rock Island Arsenal on November, 4 1916. Colt only Produced
4,214 Model 1911 pistols during this year. The grips are original Double
Diamond checkered walnut, the Magazine is a standard 2 tone Lanyard Loop.
 Left side is marked PATENTED APR.20,1897. SEPT.9.1902
DEC.19,1905. FEB.14,1911. AUG.19,1913 - COLT'S PT.F.A. MFG.CO. HARTFORD,
CT .U.S.A.
 The receiver is marked on the left side UNITED STATES
PROPERTY with the Inspector mark above the mag release (G.H.S. inside a
circle) for Major Gilbert H. Stewart Army ordnance Inspector.
 Right side.
 The receiver is marked on the right side No 135428.
 MODEL OF 1911. U.S. ARMY is marked on right side
of slide

 Original barrel with separate "P" and "H"
. The "P" is a proof mark and the "H"
is the provisional inspection mark of Francis L. Hosmer from serial
numbers 101 - 710000, with the exception of serial numbers 133187 -
 The mark of Army Inspector of Ordnance Major Gilbert H. Stewart.
Stewart inspected these pistols from September 30, 1914 - January 12,
1918. Serial numbers of Model 1911 pistols inspected 101500 -

 Slide is "S" marked above firing pin. This was
an uncommon stamp because W.E. Strong was a temporary inspector. |