Troy Partin Collection
Remington UMC Model 1911 serial number
3303 - On December 29, 1917, Remington UMC was
given a contract for 150,000 M1911 pistols. Later the quantity was revised
to 500,000 but Remington UMC only produced 21,677 guns, SN 1 – 21677, before
WWI ended and the contract was cancelled. The pistols are of high quality
but the blued finish was not. Most of them have a poor finish. The grip
checkering pattern is slightly different from Colt’s and Springfield
Armory’s and the magazine toe plate is slightly shorter. And, of course, the
markings are different.

E.E.C. ordnance mark is for Edmund E. Chapman,
Major, Ordnance Reserve Corps, and is only present on the Remington UMC
manufactured pistols.
