Colt Model of 1911 U.S. Army .45 ACP - U.S. Marine Corps, First
Serial Number 3624 (ca. 1912)

Keith Carroll Collection
Colt Model 1911 of U.S. Army Serial Number 3624 - This
pistol was part of the first USMC shipment of 300 guns shipped
to the U.S. Marine Corps, Depot Quartermaster, Philadelphia, PA
on June 6, 1912. Pistol belonged to Captain Milton G. Wohlt.
Wohlt went overseas as a Lieutenant in the Army and Was promoted
to Captain while stationed there. He was assigned to an Anti
Aircraft battery and was in Paris in 1944. The gun was
purchased for him by his uncle from a Kansas City pawn shop in
1942-43 and was sent to him while overseas. When he returned
home in 1945, he brought this pistol with him.

Pistol has early Colt in circle on the slide. The mark of Army
Inspector of Ordnance Major Walter G. Penfield. Penfield
inspected these pistols from January 2, 1911 - September 30,
1914. Serial numbers of Model 1911 pistols inspected 1 -
101500. "UNITED STATES PROPERTY" mark on the frame and early
patent dates terminating with date of Feb. 14, 1911.

Close-up of serial number "No. 3624" on forward
right side of the frame and second type Magazine catch lock
(concave with a slot) This type was used from serial number
3190 to approximately 6500.
