Colt National Match Serial Number C189556 with
adjustable sights, Swartz safety, factory nickel finish and
checkered walnut grips. Colt factory letter indicates
pistol shipped with nickel finish on September 10, 1938.
Letter also indicates that this pistol was furnished with a
new safety device and adjustable rear sight on Colt Factory
Order Number # 8085. Shipped to Wolf & Klar Wholesale
Sporting Goods, Inc, Ft. Worth, TX as a single gun
shipment. The Swartz safety is a device that blocks the
firing pin when the grip safety is not engaged.

pistol was carried by Buck Dietze (1904 - 1966) of
Karnes City, Texas from 1945 - 1948 when Mr. Dietze was
appointed to the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers
Association. He was a brand inspector.
In 1877, 40 Texas cattlemen joined together out of their
common interest to end unbridled livestock theft and formed
what was to become Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers
Association. Commissioned as Special Rangers by the
Texas Department of Public Safety and/or the Oklahoma State
Bureau of Investigation, these "field inspectors" assist in
recovering stolen livestock and equipment and apprehending
the thieves.
Accompanying the pistol is a carved leather holster
marked "Buck Steiner, Austin, Tex" which was
purchased by Mr. Dietze in 1945.

Left side of National Match serial number

Match Barrel - National Match pistols came with
selected Match Grade Barrel. There were slight variations
in these markings throughout production. This one is marked
"MATCH" above the standard "COLT 45 AUTO"
barrel marking. The left side of the lug is also marked
"MB" in a circle.

Swartz Safety (New Safety Device) next to disconnector.

Swartz Safety (New Safety Device) plunger in

Carved leather holster for the National

Maker's mark belonging to Buck Steiner,
Austin, Texas. |